TDP - Installing Storage Manager for Databases (Microsoft SQL Server)

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  1. Determine your backup strategy.
    1. VSS Backups (Full backup only)
    2. Legacy Backups (Full/Differential/Logs)

Server Preparation

  1. Two nodes must be registered, the node that will be used for the Backup/Archive Client, and one for TDP.
  2. Register the Backup/Archive node.
    1. tsm> REGister Node <hostname/clustered name> <password> DOmain=<domain> CONtact=<contact info>
  3. Register the Data Protection node.
    1. tsm> REGister Node <hostname/clustered name>-TDP <password> DOmain=<domain> CONtact=<contact info>
  4. Create the proxy access for the agent.
    1. tsm> GRANT PROXynode TArget=<hostname/clustered name>-TDP AGent=<hostname/clustered name>
  5. Backup Strategy: Legacy Backups
    1. Create the full backup client schedule.
      1. tsm> DEFine SCHedule <domain> TDP-MSSQL-FULL Type=Client DESCription="TDP for MSSQL Full Backup" ACTion=Command OBJects="<C:\path\to\sqlfull.bat>" STARTDate=MM/DD/YYYY STARTTime=HH:MM:SS SCHEDStyle=Enhanced DAYofweek=<day>
    2. Create the differential backup client schedule.
      1. tsm> DEFine SCHedule <domain> TDP-MSSQL-DIFF Type=Client DESCription="TDP for MSSQL Differental Backup" ACTion=Command OBJects="<C:\path\to\sqldiff.bat>" STARTDate=MM/DD/YYYY STARTTime=HH:MM:SS SCHEDStyle=Enhanced DAYofweek=<day,day,day,...>
    3. Create the log backup client schedule.
      1. tsm> DEFine SCHedule <domain> TDP-MSSQL-LOGS Type=Client DESCription="TDP for MSSQL Log Backup and Truncation" ACTion=Command OBJects="<C:\path\to\sqllogs.bat>" STARTDate=MM/DD/YYYY STARTTime=HH:MM:SS SCHEDStyle=Classic PERiod=4 PERUnits=Hours DAYofweek=ANY

Client Installation

  1. Install the Tivoli Backup/Archive Client before proceeding.
  2. Install the Data Protection for SQL Server.