LVM Resize a Physical Volume

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SAN Attached and VMWare Raw Mapped

  1. Resize the LUN on the storage subsystem
  2. Rescan the SCSI hosts
    # echo '- - -' > /sys/class/scsi_host/host#/scan
  3. Get the device paths of the physical volumes that will need to be resized
    # pvs
  4. Rescan the the SCSI block device
    # echo 1 > /sys/block/<block_device>/device/rescan
  5. Scan for physical volumes
    # pvscan
  6. Resize the physical volume
    # pvresize /dev/<block_device>


  1. Resize the vmdk
  2. Update partition size
  3. Load the partition into the kernel
    # partprobe /dev/<device>
  4. Rescan the the SCSI block device
    # echo 1 > /sys/block/<block_device>/device/rescan
  5. Scan for physical volumes
    # pvscan
  6. Resize the physical volume
    # pvresize /dev/<block_device>

Further Reading