Isilon Quota Operations

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Quota Operations

  1. List all Directory Quotas
    isi quota quotas list --type directory
  2. View a Directory Quota
    isi quota quotas view <path> [--type directory | directory]
    ex: isi quota quotas view /ifs/data/share --type directory
    ex: isi quota quotas view /ifs/data/share directory
  3. Create a Directory Quota
    isi quota quotas create <path> [--type directory | directory] --hard-treshold <size>[k | M | G | T | P] --advisory-threshold <size>[k | M | G | T | P] --enforced yes
    isi quota quotas create /ifs/data/share --type directory --hard-threshold 500G --advisory-threshold 450G --container yes --enforced yes
    isi quota quotas create /ifs/data/share directory --hard-threshold 500G --advisory-threshold 450G --container yes --enforced yes
  4. Modify the hard and advisory thresholds of a share
    isi quota quotas modify <path> [--type directory | directory] --hard-threshold <size>[k | M | G | T | P] --advisory-threshold <size>[k | M | G | T | P]
    ex: isi quota quitas modify /ifs/data/share --type directory --hard-threshold 500G --advisory-threshold 450G
    ex: isi quota quitas modify /ifs/data/share directory --hard-threshold 500G --advisory-threshold 450G