TSM Server Extend Recovery Log

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Extending the TSM Recovery Log AIX

  1. On the AIX command line extend the logical volume containing the database files.
    1. # chfs size=+<Space in MB> <path to logical volume>

Integrated Solutions Console

    1. Extend Tivoli Storage Manager
      1. Click on Storage Devices
      2. Select the server.
      3. From the drop down menu Select: Server Properties
      4. Select Database and Log
      5. In the Recovery Log Window Select Action, Select: Add Volume
      6. Enter the fully qualified path under Volume name.
      7. Add the size that you allocated when performing the chfs.
      8. Check "When adding the new volume, expand the recovery log capacity by"
      9. Enter the amount you allocated int the MB box.
      10. Click OK.

Tivoli Console

  1. Open the Tivoli Storage Manager Administrative Console
    1. # cd /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
    2. # dsmadmc
  2. Create a new database volume.
    1. TSM> define logvolume <fully qualified path>log<#>.dsm formatsize=<size from chfs command>
  3. Extend the database.
    1. TSM> extend log <size from the chfs command>

Further Reading

  1. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Infocenter