OpenSSL Convert .p7b to .pem to .crt

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Convert .p7b with DER encording to .pem with PEM (PKCS7) encoding

  1. Conversion from .p7b with DER encoding to PEM encoding
    1. # openssl pkcs7 -inform der -in <certificate>.p7b -outform pem -out <certificate>.pem
  2. Verify the encoding, the following is viewable in the file -----BEGIN PKCS7----- to -----END PKCS7-----

Convert from PKCS7 PEM-formatted to x509 PEM-formatted

  1. Convert from PKCS7 PEM-formatted to x509 PEM-formatted.
    1. # openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in <certificate-pem>.p7b -out <certificate-x509>.crt

Further Reading

  1. OpenSSL: unable to load PKCS7 object
  2. SSL Converter